We're Back!
It’s been a while, but I’m back! The fishing was hit or miss for while there, but it is incredible right now! The fishing is good just about anywhere you go. Water temps are rising, and the fishing is heating up along with us.
We’ll start off with local inland lakes. Water temps on most are low to mid 60’s with some being reported in the 70’s. Spawning fish can be found just about anywhere you go. Cruise the bank and see what you can find – you can also find fish that are still on their way up and putting the feed bags on getting ready to spawn. My absolute favorite bait to throw this time of year will be a jerkbait, I probably won’t put it down until that first or second week of June. A jerkbait this time of year can catch you pre- and post-spawn fish.
If you want to chase those spawning, look for that hard bottom and find the fish. Once you find them I recommend small finesse baits to try and get them aggravated enough to bite. Bright colors like chartreuse, hot pink, or white usually can do the trick.

River Systems

Looking for river smallmouth? The smallmouth in the rivers are going nuts right now. Throwing any type of small baitfish pattern and you’ll get bites. If you’re chasing river smallies, look for them on drop-offs into deeper water.
If you can find slack water, there could be fish roaming around in there searching for spots to make beds. With the way the weather has been, the rivers are hovering around the mid 60’s for temperature. The flows are slow decline which can get the fish pumped. Now is a really good time to catch big smallmouth on your local river system.
You’ll find that when the fish on the river start to spawn that it could be somewhat difficult to get the ones in the main river channel to bite – just look for submerged wood and rocks and grind it out. Stick to those baitfish patterns and get after it!
The panfishing has been really good as well – Bluegill are starting to head to the bank, small lures will be the key for Gills. Head up shallow into just a couple feet of water. If you can fly fish, little rubber spiders will be the ticket, you can also attach those rubber spiders below a water bobber to be able to cast them on conventional gear.
Crappie like to spawn in a bit deeper water this time of May around coontail and stumps and other vegetation like that. The depth that you find them in may differ depending on your water clarity – clearer water means deeper beds
Charlie Brewer sliders are a go-to for chasing Crappie. If you want to get fancy for them, try and find small jerkbaits to throw at them.